




This is Sigma’s base probationary role. Volunteers assist Responders and Technicians on their missions to rescue souls around the verse.

People who have reached this:

  • Profile photo of fduaUSVihBmvFEcy
  • Profile photo of YeJsbHpZydxGqaSD
  • Profile photo of CtTVGkYs
  • Profile photo of Sonja Kinder
  • Profile photo of tixfoPELyUacb


Responders are licensed to operate Sigma’s emergency response system and lead volunteer rescue operations around the universe.

People who have reached this:

  • Profile photo of Caedrius
  • Profile photo of Koojdice


Technicians are the back bone of Sigma’s combined operations experience. Dedicated members of our community who have been trained in efficient coordination of our volunteered assets.

People who have reached this:

  • Profile photo of Itheriael

―Because Second Rate Services Just Wont Do―

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